Del marxismo al posmarxismo. “Principio hegemónico” y exterioridad de la economía en el Gramsci de Chantal Mouffe

Come citare

Garrido Fernández , A. (2023). Del marxismo al posmarxismo. “Principio hegemónico” y exterioridad de la economía en el Gramsci de Chantal Mouffe. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Rivista Di Filosofia, Storia E Scienze Umane, 13(2), 109–127.


This article aims to carry out an analysis of Chantal Mouffe’s texts previous to Hegemony and Socialist Strategy devoted to the figure of Antonio Gramsci. In doing so, our purpose is to reconstruct the development of her approach from the initial coordinates, inside the sphere of historical materialism – in particular, the relations between the “autonomy of the political” and the determination “in the last instance” by the economy – to a post-Marxist posture. In the final part we point to the role that two of Mouffe’s sources, not always sufficiently highlighted, play in her post-Marxist interpretation of Marx (and Gramsci).

 Hegemony; Mouffe; Post-marxism; Gramsci.

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