La Svezia di fronte alla pandemia: presupposti storici, modalità ese-cutive e implicazioni di un “approccio olistico”

Come citare

Marinucci, P. (2021). La Svezia di fronte alla pandemia: presupposti storici, modalità ese-cutive e implicazioni di un “approccio olistico”. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Rivista Di Filosofia, Storia E Scienze Umane, 9(2), 206–236.


The aim of this article is to outline how the strategy put by swedish authorities is ultimately rooted in some traits of swedish state-building processes. What is intended to be shown is also the fact that the concept of society stands at the core of the contention in the swedish exceptionality, both on the the side of government and on the side of social actors. Other aim of the text is to show a genealogy of both concepts of folkhem and samhället, and how they were originally intertwined with political authorities and civil servants. Finally, the article tries to describe how self-government, at the core of swedish early modernity, could be ambiguous facing the neoliberal egemony in nordic countries.


Samhället; Folkhem; Frihetstiden; Agenzia sanitaria; Approccio olistico.

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