After a quickly retracement of the history of the seminar on Hegemony after Gramsci: A Reassessment, and a summary reconstruction of its origin and purposes, the paper presents the special issue hosted by this journal. The articles included in this section deals with a wide series of topics, ranging from the contributions on the category of hegemony produced in Italy and France in the first decades after the publication of Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks, to the Gramsci/Foucault question, passing through above Portantiero’s and Aricó’s interpretations of hegemony, translatability and the notion of conjuncture; Althusser’s and Poulantzas’s contributions to the theory of the State; and the so called “neo-gramscian” school in the study of international relations. More generally, this issue intends to be a first contribution to the more general aim of the seminar, that is, to realise a meticulous and possibly complete mapping of the uses of hegemony after Gramsci.
Key words: Gramsci; Hegemony after Gramsci, Latin American Gramsci,
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