The Effectiveness of South African SMME’s in the Africa Continental Free Trade Area – Agenda 2063


  • Emmanuel Innocents Edoun Tshwane University of Technology- South Africa
  • Thiye Naomi Kholofelo Maphosa Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
  • Solly Pooe Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa



AfCFTA, Africa, Free Trade, Intra regional trade, SMMEs, South Africa


The African continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was created in 2018 to stimulate trade related activities in the African continent. However, with the negative impact felt on African economies during the Covid pandemic, it is urgent that, African countries should have a common position that allows them to boost their economies through trade activities while considering to review their policies on tariff barriers and other protectionism measures that could weakened the objectives set by AfCFTA . To boost local economies, African countries should encourage the creation of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) to contribute to economy growth. SMME,s  play an important role in the economy of South Africa (SA).  These SMMEs are integrated into the National Development Plan (NDP) as critical components for advancing growth and development. The government applauds and supports SMMEs for their ability to create jobs, innovate, and compete. Greater competition and broader regional trade integration are required for South Africa to restart its export engine and promote growth that would help create jobs and reduce poverty. Given this context, the study seeks to evaluate the opportunities for South African Small, Medium, and Macroeconomic Enterprises (SA-SMMEs) in the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Once these objectives are met , SMME’s in South Africa will positively contribute to socio economic development through economic growth.

Author Biographies

Emmanuel Innocents Edoun, Tshwane University of Technology- South Africa

Emmanuel Innocents Edoun is an academic at Tshwane School for Business and Society within the Tshwane University of Technology in South Africa. He Holds a PhD from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. His focus area is in Public Sector Economics and Service delivery. He has published close to 75 papers in accredited journals. He had also written a book and made contributions in book chapters. He has presented papers in conferences locally and abroad. He has equally supervised close to 25 PhDs students, 35 full Masters and more than 75 MBAs.

Thiye Naomi Kholofelo Maphosa, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Thiye Naomi Kholofelo Maphosa is an MBA student who has completed her course work and mini dissertation. She is a hardworking individual who always work harder to achieve a bottom line result within a team. She is an employee in the South African Public Sector

Solly Pooe, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Solly Pooe is a certified trainer and assessor with about 25 years of experience in education and training, management and administration. He has transferable organizational, research and managerial skill. H also has a distinct ability to deal with students and colleagues at different levels. He has proficiency in developing and nurturing rapport and trust among different parties. He holds a DBA degree from Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria South Africa. Dr Pooe has also published close to  7 papers in accredited Journals.


