Factors Affecting Couples’ Interactions During Covid-19 in Sri Lanka


  • Thesara Jayawardane Head Department of Industrial Management
  • Vathsala Wickramasinghe




Interaction of Spouses, Motivation Factors, Stressors, Covid-19, Sri Lanka


COVID-19 has made a substantial and irreversible impact on almost all areas of countries around the world and Sri Lanka is no exception. With the restrictions vested upon public as a result of COVID-19 disease, more and more couples claim to have a decrease in their relationship happiness and interaction. Further research in this would ensure to reduce the damage the pandemic would have on couples. Hence, the objectives of this study were to investigate motivational factors affecting couples’ interactions, to investigate stress factors affecting couples’ interactions, to investigate the level of couples’ interactions, to investigate resources available for spouses and to analyse whether resource availability, moderates the relationship between motivational factors/stressors and the level of couples’ interactions. Data was collected from over 300 participants of a convenience sample using an online survey. The couples were adults of 25 years or older, residing in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Statistical analysis was performed to identify moderator effect of resource availability on the level of couples’ interactions. In conclusion the study emphasised that motivational factors such as family approval and social prestige and stressors such as financial strain and occupational status contribute towards the interaction of couples and they are moderated by resources available to these couples such as cultural beliefs and availability of family support respectively. The study concludes with recommendations of ways to overcome the issues brought upon by COVID-19 on couples’ interaction.



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