Recovery Marketing for Economies after Devastation. A Multi-Case Research


  • Mirian Palmeira PP&MZee Consulting Co., Brazil
  • Elder Semprebon UFPR - Federal University of Parana, Brazil
  • Fabio Musso



The aim is to identify if Recovery Marketing is a Fresh Start Tool for economies after devastation. Through Multi-method study, with a qualitative study based on a Multi-case research with emphasis in Historic Method and Content’s Analyses, and secondary data analyses of some cases of devastated economies, the results show that there are the use of some Marketing Tools and Features, however without a holistic Marketing Approach and either no Recovery Marketing concept as a Fresh Start Tool to renew the place identity after catastrophes. A theoretical contribution of this paper is to produce a new marketing framework as a Fresh Start approach for places after destructions, such as Recovery Marketing, including the analyses of locals and visitors. The managerial implication is the contribution for public and private organisations to help positioning/repositioning a place after devastation, using Recovery Marketing as a Fresh Start Tool.

Author Biography

Mirian Palmeira, PP&MZee Consulting Co., Brazil

Full Professor, Department of Economics, Society and Politics (DESP)


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10.11.2020 — Updated on 10.11.2020