Corruption: Where and Why (and How to Beat It)?


  • FabioŠtefan Šumah Omcometals, Slovenia
  • Matic Borošak Themind, Slovenia



Corruptive environment is a phenomenon we are facing every single day through different point of views. It can have positive or negative impact from both macro and micro perspective. The study is focusing on two key questions: WHERE corruption is occurring (geographical, phenomenal levels etc.) and WHY is it occurring by identifying factors causing it (country specific factors). While the question “where” is relatively easy to answer, the question “why” requires a significantly more complex response. Country analysis was made according to their rankings through Corruption Perceptions Index, published annually by Transparency International. I have researched the main factors that affect the level of corruption in each group of countries, or rather tried to find similarities and differences between individual groups of countries with regard to what affects the level of corruption in these groups. A basic model of three factors (risk, benefit, and awareness) was created based on several known, scientifically confirmed factors that either generate or reduce corruption and affect the level of corruption in each country respectively. Depending on the level of corruption analyzed, countries can be placed into five classes by their common characteristics. During the discussion, the results of the study were then compared with the results of the already-known research, and the matches and differences defined. The findings were also commented upon with the aim to answer the question of how to fight corruption.


Key words: Corruption; causes of corruption; corruption: where?; corruption: why?; fight against corruption.

Author Biography

FabioŠtefan Šumah, Omcometals, Slovenia

Full Professor, Department of Economics, Society and Politics (DESP)


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