Co-Advertising, E-Wom and Social Responsibility
Following the digital revolution, the traditional divide between value creation - R&D, production and advertising - and value distribution and consumption – sales, use and post-use- is blurring. Individuals and companies are called to exchange multiple inputs and outputs before, during and after sale. The new contemporarity of value processes is gradually leading to a new convergence among parties. Companies are enabled to promote, intermediate and intercept the customers conversation; individuals are committed to the new social game and keeping companies under non-contractual observation. This study researches the effects of e-WOM (Electronic-Word of Mouth) of individuals through a netnography on 20 worldwide crowd-sourcing platforms. Findings demonstrate that the new overlapping of dialogue and sale can generate a positive loop between companies and individuals responsibility and reduce the distance between market and society.
Keywords: Co-advertising; E-WOM; Co-value chain; Social responsibility; Company-consumer communication; Consumer behavior; Netnography.
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