Quasi una cronaca su "culpa lata" e "colpa grave"
PDF (Italiano)


Criteria of liability
Gross negligence Culpa lata

How to Cite

Giomaro, A. M. (2022). Quasi una cronaca su "culpa lata" e "colpa grave". Studi Urbinati, A - Scienze Giuridiche, Politiche Ed Economiche, 72(1-2), 27–69. Retrieved from https://journals.uniurb.it/index.php/studi-A/article/view/3452


This is a review of readings on “gross negligence” in different areas of law, beginning from the Ulpian’s and Paul’s origins, to the current interpretations that aims to valorize a degree of leability which is more than ordinary negligence, but less than intentional misconduct. However this is the Italian version of the “linking piece” between a first volume, already published, that collects the above-mentioned essays and a second one, in English, that continues and offers a conclusion to the research.

PDF (Italiano)

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